Purpose of the game The purpose of the game is to uncover all fields which are not hiding a mine. You have lost (rather, you are lost) if you uncover a mine. The menus Choose New Game from the File menu to start a new game. Choose Quit to exit YAMS! You can enable and disable sounds with Sound in the Special menu. This is useful if you are practising YAMS! on your PowerBook™ in a library or in the waiting room of a maternity hospital. Select Language to change the language of the YAMS! dialogs (currently German, English or French). Language is set automatically from the language of your Macintosh System. Select Best Times to see a list of the best players Choose Level to select the difficulty of the game. If you do this, all counters will be reset and the fields covered again ready to start a new game. The playing field The playing field has several components: The counter at the top left - the mine help counter:   At the beginning of the game it shows the total number of hidden mines. The number of fields you mark (if any) is continuously subtracted from the number of hidden mines - even if you mark too many fields (see Marking the fields, below). The counter at the top right - the seconds counter:   The seconds counter starts to count as soon as you uncover the first field. It only stops if you loose, win or start a new game. The Smily:   You can start a new game by clicking on the Smily - it‘s the same as choosing New Game from the File menu. You can also learn about the status of your game by looking at the face. You will probably see this face quite often:   The game field itself - the minefield:   You can uncover fields by clicking on them (the first field you uncover is always a safe one). Totally uncovered, the minefield might look like this:   The fields marked with a flag are probably hiding mines. You can mark fields with flags if it helps you, but this isn´t necessary to win the game. If you see an uncovered field with a digit in it, this indicates the total number of mines hidden in the surrounding 8 fields. Marking the fields You mark a field with flag by option-clicking it.   You can only uncover a marked field by clearing the flag first with another option-click. Shift and Shift-Lock are replacements for the option key. Further notes for experienced players: If you option-click on a digit, all surrounding unmarked, hidden fields will be temporarily uncovered if the digit is the same as the number of surrounding marked fields. Before:   After:   If you option-click on a digit, nothing will happen if the digit is not the same as the number of surrounding marked fields.